Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions indicated below regulate the access and use of this website www.ludicwine.com (hereinafter, site and website), whose operation and through which provides services of the information society, Anselmo Ríos Martínez with CIF 48420711F and registered office at Calle Carril de la Condesa, 58 planta sexta, 30010 MURCIA and address for the purpose of notifications at the same address.

The expression “site or website” includes, but is not limited to, data, texts, graphics, images, animations, musical creations, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs, designs and, in general, all creations expressed by any means or support, tangible or intangible.

Access to the site implies that the user of the site acquires a series of rights and obligations, in order to ensure the proper enjoyment of the general services, particular and content that are in the same and that Tasting Party makes available to the user.

The user is aware that access to and use of the services and content of the site is done under your sole and exclusive responsibility.

The condition of user is acquired by accessing the website. The user will use the services and content exclusively for private purposes and / or by reason of their legal relationship that binds you to Tasting Party to the exclusion of any form of subsequent use thereof for profit or report any benefit, direct or indirect.

Tasting Party informs the user of these general conditions of use, which will be complemented by the particular conditions of contract governing the provision of services and / or other conditions that may regulate the access and use of certain services or products, which are expressly and fully accepted by the user by the mere fact of accessing the website and / or viewing the content or use of the services contained on the website. Should these general conditions be replaced by others, in whole or in part, these new general conditions or, where applicable, the contracting conditions and/or the specific conditions, shall be understood to be accepted in the same way as the aforementioned. Nevertheless, the user of the website must access these general conditions, the contracting conditions and any others that may be established periodically in order to know the successive versions that are included here, although it is recommended that the user accesses them each time he/she intends to access or make use of the services and contents of the website.


In compliance with the provisions of Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter LOPD) and Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, which approves the Regulation of development of the LOPD (hereinafter RDLOPD) TASTING PARTY, S.L. (hereinafter Tasting Party) wishes to inform the user of the website policy regarding the processing and protection of personal data of those who voluntarily communicate via email with Tasting Party, fill out data collection forms, make an online purchase or use any other service on the website that involves the communication of personal data to Tasting Party.

Tasting Party informs the user of the website, that this privacy policy contains all aspects related to the processing of personal data that Tasting Party carries out as responsible for it through the website. If the user – after reading this document – continues to use the services, will be expressly expressing their acceptance of this privacy policy and processing of personal data. Otherwise, the user must leave the website.

Likewise, the user is informed that these conditions shall be subsidiary to any other conditions on the same subject that are established on a special basis and are communicated to the user without limitation through the registration forms, contracting conditions or conditions of the particular services, these policies being complementary to the above in that which does not contradict them.

The user is informed that any processing of personal data will be subject to the scope of application of the legislation in force in Spain on data protection established by the LOPD and its complementary and development regulations.

For this purpose it is understood by personal data, any information concerning identified or identifiable natural persons, in the latter case unequivocally identify stakeholders and user, any identified or identifiable natural person using a service of the information society made available on this site and through it communicates to Tasting Party their personal data, such as without this list is not limited to, email, filling out data collection forms, making online purchases or others.


Tasting Party informs the user of the website of the existence of several treatments and personal data files whose responsible is Anselmo Ríos Martínez (hereinafter) where personal data derived from the operation of this website or that the user communicates to Tasting Party through any means are collected and stored.


The user accessing the website Tasting Party is not required to provide personal information for the use of the site, therefore, any communication of data for these purposes will be because the user has voluntarily decided a navigation or personalized use of services.

However, Tasting Party also has, in particular and without limitation, forms for requesting personal data for adherence by users to particular services on the web such as, without limitation, the prior registration for the completion of an online purchase, those forms provided during the online purchase process that makes a user necessary to carry out the management of the same, those forms provided for the management of guarantees, withdrawal and refunds, the contact form and those other forms that Tasting Party decides to include on its website.

In this regard, in particular and without limitation, in the event that the user is interested in accessing particular services subject to prior registration, you must complete the forms requesting personal data or other means for accession by the user to the particular services in each case are offered through the web. Without prejudice to the provisions of these conditions, in the above cases will be of preferential application of the conditions of data processing in each case established and communicated to the user by Tasting Party through registration forms, online purchase conditions and / or conditions of particular services, being these policies as complementary and subsidiary application of the above in that which does not contradict.

Tasting Party generally does not request specially protected user data, meaning these in accordance with Articles 7 and 8 of the Data Protection Act data related to race or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, criminal record, physical or mental health or sexual orientation. In the event that the processing of any of the aforementioned personal data is required and necessary, Tasting Party will request the express consent of the user to collect and use such information previously, unequivocally and expressly informing the purpose of the collection and processing of such information.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the communication by the user of such data to Tasting Party is an express expression of their willingness to the processing of such data by Tasting Party in accordance with the legitimate purposes that motivate such communication.


When the user does not maintain any legal relationship with Tasting Party he/she must take into account and is informed that the sending of an email to Tasting Party – to the email addresses published in the “Contact” section – as well as the communication by the user to Coco of any other personal data through any means entails or implies the provision of his/her free, unequivocal, specific, informed and express consent for the processing of his/her personal data by Tasting Party.

In general, the processing of personal data of users may be carried out – without limitation and by way of example – for the following purposes:

– In the event that the user contacts Tasting Party to make enquiries or request information, such data processing will be carried out in order to attend and answer the communications received and send the requested information to the user.

– If the data is provided to Tasting Party in order to register on the site, the data will be processed in order to manage the registration process on this website and to ensure the management of your account by the user. In your account the user will have a number of services and also can view your order history and details of orders, discount vouchers, gift list and personal data.

– If the user is registered, Tasting Party may use your data to send information related to the service and in particular notifications about possible interruptions of service, modification of services, change of use policies, privacy, cookies and / or purchase through the site or others that are necessary to carry out in the framework of the legal relationship established.

– If the data is provided to make an online purchase, the data will be processed to manage the purchase, which includes authenticating the identity of the user, processing the order, collection of the price and delivery of the product, management of guarantees, returns and right of withdrawal, customer service, discount vouchers, as well as any other purposes directly or indirectly derived from making an online purchase through the website, all without prejudice to the fact that this information will be specifically indicated in the Particular Conditions of Contract and in the data request forms used for this purpose.

– In those cases where the user expressly agrees to receive commercial communications relating to products and services marketed by Tasting Party, your data will be processed to manage the sending of the same as well as the possible revocation of the user’s consent, opposition to treatment low or exclusion from sending advertising communications and service. For the purposes of the latter, Tasting Party may carry out the processing of the minimum essential user data to ensure the cessation or non-receipt of commercial advertising communications when requested.

In accordance with the above, if the user does not agree with the processing of your data by Tasting Party, you should refrain from communicating or sending your personal data to Tasting Party, making an anonymous browsing the website or, where appropriate, do not use the services of the web.

Personal information will only be used for limited purposes, such as those set out above and / or without limitation, those that may be unequivocally informed prior to the collection and processing of data of the person concerned and constitute a legitimate treatment by Tasting Party.

In the framework of the provision of services and content offered through the website, Tasting Party may at some point request personal data from the user of the website through forms or other means. In such cases, Tasting Party will include an informative communication in the data collection form, indicating all the conditions for the processing of personal data such as the mandatory or optional nature of the response to the questions that are posed, the consequences of obtaining the data or the refusal to provide them, the purposes of the collection, the possible transfers to be carried out, and where appropriate, request consent for the processing of personal data to be performed. Likewise, those services that have specific conditions shall include the corresponding informative text of the conditions that specifically regulate the use of the service. The present policies will always be complementary and subsidiary to the informative texts indicated insofar as they do not contradict them.


Coco only plans to carry out transfers or communications of data that because of Article 11.2.c. of the LOPD must perform to meet its obligations to the competent public authorities in the field in cases where this is required in accordance with current legislation in each area at all times and where appropriate also to other bodies such as Forces and State Security Forces, Judges, Prosecutors, Courts, Court of Auditors or Ombudsman.

In the event that the user makes an online purchase through the website, Tasting Party may transfer your data to third parties necessarily involved in the management of the purchase in order to properly manage the entire purchase process, such as banks involved in the collection of the price of the product, courier companies, transport, insurance and assembly and any other third parties that necessarily, directly or indirectly, intervene in the management of the online purchase in all its phases and processes in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws in force. To do this, Tasting Party expressly inform the recipients of their data and the purpose of communication in the user registration form itself.

In the event that the user participates in an event organized by Tasting Party, your data may be transferred to third parties involved in the management of the event.

Also Tasting Party informs the user that any other transfer of data to be made, will be put on his knowledge when so provided by informing him expressly, precisely and unambiguously of the recipients of the information, the purpose for which the data will be used, and the nature of the data transferred, or where appropriate when established, previously unambiguous, specific and informed consent will be requested from the user.


Tasting Party warns the user that this entity is only responsible and guarantees the confidentiality, security and data processing in accordance with this policy, with respect to personal data collected from the user through this website not having any responsibility for the processing and subsequent use of personal data that could be made by third party service providers of the information society that could access such data because of the provision of their services or exercise of its activity.

By third party service providers of the information society shall mean, without limitation, those individuals or legal entities that provide the following services: (i) Transmission by a communication network of data provided by the recipients of the service. (ii) Access services to that network. (iii) Storage services or data hosting. (iv) Provision of content or information.

Also, Tasting Party is not responsible for the processing of data carried out by third parties that establish hyperlinks to Tasting Party or those responsible for those who through hyperlinks Tasting Party refers USERS of its website.


Tasting Party warns the user that, except for the existence of a legally constituted representation, no user can use the identity of another person and communicate their personal data, so the user at all times must take into account that, if you use email, you can only include personal data corresponding to their own identity and that are adequate, relevant, current, accurate and true. To this end, the user will be solely responsible for any damage, direct and / or indirect damage caused to third parties or Tasting Party by the use of personal data of another person, or their own personal data when they are false, erroneous, not current, inadequate or inappropriate. Likewise, the user who communicates the personal data of a third party, will be liable to the latter for the obligation of information established in article 5.4 for when the personal data have not been collected from the person concerned, and / or the consequences of not having informed.


Also, if the user is under eighteen (18) years or incapacitated, Tasting Party warns of the need to have the consent of their parents, guardians or legal representatives for the communication of their personal data to Tasting Party, so Tasting Party requests that you refrain from using the email service and not to register for any service or application of Tasting Party. The registration and use of the services of this site, in particular the purchase, is prohibited to minors under eighteen (18) years and incapacitated in the latter case are not legally represented in accordance with applicable law, not being otherwise Tasting Party responsible for the actions of the minor or incapacitated.


The user is informed that, under Article 21.2 and 22.1 of the LSSICE has the right to object to the processing of their data for promotional purposes for the receipt of commercial communications and to revoke at any time the consent given for this purpose, in either case (opposition and revocation) with the simple notification of their will to Tasting Party. To do this, you can in any case request opposition and / or revocation of consent and the exclusion or cancellation of the service of receiving commercial communications by sending an email to Tasting Party to the address: info@ludicwine.com with the subject low or expressly stating your opposition, revocation of consent or request for exclusion of sending commercial communications electronically or by equivalent means of communication.

Your request will be taken into account by Tasting Party to ensure the exercise of their rights to cease receiving commercial communications by electronic means or equivalent means of communication under the rules on electronic commerce and information society. To this end, Tasting Party may carry out the processing of the minimum essential user data to ensure the cessation or non-receipt of commercial advertising communications when requested.


Tasting Party may use cookies when a user browses the sites and pages of the website. Such cookies will be used by Tasting Party under the conditions and for the purposes described in its Cookies Policy.


Tasting Party informs the user that, in accordance with the provisions of and the RDLOPD, has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data and prevent alteration, loss, or unauthorized access, given the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, whether from human action or the physical or natural environment and that only record personal data in files that meet the conditions determined in the aforementioned Regulation with respect to their integrity and security and those of the processing centres, premises, equipment, systems and programs. Tasting Party also guarantees the user compliance with the duty of professional secrecy regarding the user’s personal data and the duty to protect them.


Tasting Party welcomes any feedback you may provide in relation to this privacy and data protection policy. For these purposes, or to make any enquiry in relation to this policy, you may contact Tasting Party using the contact form on this website.